Post-harvest Leaching Fractions to Manage Soil Salinity

Drought years are tough. Limited water supplies create several challenges that impact the current and future year’s crop. Several articles have been constructed to help manage almond orchards with limited water supplies, but as harvest starts, focus needs to shift to post-harvest management of the orchards. Many orchards relied on groundwater at some point through this year. This may have been sourced directly from a well on the property, or from wells within an irrigation district. Groundwater often contains elevated levels of salt, in particular sodium and chloride. These salts accumulate in the soil from the irrigations that occur during the season. Due to almond roots generally excluding salts, salt levels within the soil could climb as high as 10-15 times the concentration of the irrigation water within a single season. These higher levels of salt will impact growth and productivity as well as lead to tissue toxicity and leaf loss. To manage these salts, they need to be removed from the active rootzone of the tree. Salinity management for various soil types have been described previously for sandy and finer texture soils. These programs rely on winter leaching to reduce the salinity levels within the active rootzone of the tree. This process, however, can be improved by taking actions in the post-harvest to increase soil moisture levels. At this time of year, a leaching fraction should be added to each water applications to increase soil moisture levels. An increase of 15-20% of the irrigation duration should be sufficient. This additional water will refill the soil profile during this period, increasing the effectiveness of leaching by winter rains. The value of applying a leaching fraction in the post-harvest is greater than leaching fractions applied earlier in the season. This is due to the irrigation practices associated with harvest – a

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Almond Drought Management: 2021 Update

Drought conditions are forecasted to persist into 2021 for California. Although almonds are relatively tolerant to drought from a survival standpoint, yields are impacted when water applications are reduced. To minimize this impact, the water use strategy that accounts for available water resources must be developed and applied to the orchard operation. These resources include contributions from stored soil moisture, rainfall, wells, and surface water resources.  Impact of water stress on almonds. Reduced water applications affect both in-season and future yields. In-season water stress reduces gas exchange, affecting the amount of energy that can be directed into kernel development. This often leads to reduced kernel size and weight, an increase in shriveled kernels, and minimal growth. Typically, nut set is unaffected. Although not exactly clear, the relationship between in-season crop loss and water stress is around 1 to 0.7-1.0, meaning that for every percent of reduced water application leads to the same percentage of crop loss (i.e. a 10% water deficit leads to 7-10% crop loss). Please note that this relationship isn’t exactly defined, and these numbers are estimates. Moderate to severe deficits will also affect next season’s crop. This crop loss is due to the reduced spur positions from the lack of growth and the reduced carbohydrate reserves going into floral bud development. This leads to reduced nut set. Nut weight and size will only be affected if in-season curtailments continue. . Field observations suggest that water shortage in a given year will have a greater impact on crop yields the following year, where the relationship of water stress (from the previous season) and crop loss approaches 1:2. This means that for every percent of reduced water application in year one, year two’s crop will be reduced by about 2% (i.e. a 10% water deficit leads to 20% crop

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Field Note: Irrigating and Deep Soil Moisture After Rainy Season

The rainy season this year in the San Joaquin Valley has been fairly dry and has probably got many growers thinking about how much water they should start applying. In orchards, one consideration to add to the list is the soil moisture at deeper depths. As an example, let us look at information from a wetter rainy season in 2018. In the beginning of that year, soil moisture measurements were collected every month at a research site in Parlier, CA. While not extensive, it does show something interesting. Overall, the soil moisture increased at all depth month to month (i.e., green line to orange then to grey). By March, the soil moisture above 1½ feet reached the maximum wetness the soil could hold, called the field capacity (e.g., red box in image). However, no matter how much it rained, the soil moisture at and below 2½ feet consistently stayed below the field capacity. The trees at this location were planted in 2009 with a rootzone well past a five-foot depth and were beginning to leaf-out by the middle of March. While trees typically transpire much of its water needs from the upper portion of the rootzone, a decent amount is still absorbed from the lower portion. At this site, the soil moisture at and below the 2½ feet may not be enough to supply the water needs of the trees even with appropriate moisture in the topsoil. When scheduling your first few irrigations realize that you may have different soil moisture at different depths. A few minutes with an auger and using the “feel” test or looking at sensor data can give an idea of the soil moisture profile across all depths. Think about the size of your tree’s rootzone, the soil types in your field, and how wet the

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Drought and Almonds: Spring Considerations

The current drought conditions faced by California will impact the agricultural industry. Annual precipitation, snowpack, and reservoir conditions are well below average for this time of the year. Although there is some rain in the forecast, future rain and snowfall amounts are hard to predict. Furthermore, spring storms tend to come in warmer temperatures, leading to more rain but less snow at lower elevations. Although we cannot control the weather, there are things we can do to improve the use of water resources. These practices will improve the use efficiency of on-farm water resources. They also include strategies to help capture more water from spring rain events. Lastly, implementing practices now will provide on-farm data for future mitigation strategies as the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) comes into full enforcement. Start timing. Most farm operations begin to irrigate too early. This occurs even in low rainfall years. Stem water potential (SWP) or other plant-based monitoring systems are strongly recommended to help determine start timings in the spring. With SWP, recommendations are to wait to at least 2 bars more negative than baseline (remember, SWP is read in negative numbers). This will most likely lead to an irrigation timing around early- to mid-April, depending on leaf-out date. A study demonstrating this method was established in a ‘Butte’/’Padre’ located near Delhi, CA in a very sandy soil. The trial was established in the drought year of 2014-2015 and continued through 2017. Within this study, the delayed start to the irrigation did not impact yield in comparison to the grower standard. The dates for the first irrigation were between April 22nd – 26th, for all three years. Since ‘Butte’ and ‘Padre’ are later leafing cultivars, I suspect that ‘Nonpareil’ and other earlier leafing cultivars will be 1-2 weeks earlier. This delay saved between

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Regulated Deficit Irrigation: Is it appropriate for your operation?

Regulated deficit irrigation is the practice of reducing irrigation to obtain some type of desired stress level. This practice is often used during the initiation of the hull-split period to reduce hull-rot strikes. It also has been utilized during periods of water shortages to save 5-15% of the seasonal water use of almond. Due to the limited effect on yield, as well as the benefits, it has been advocated for application within orchards by the University and industry (including myself!). This practice, however, can have negative impacts when applied incorrectly and should only be used if deemed appropriate. In theory, this practice is easy to apply. Water application rates should be cut to achieve -15 bars stem water potential for two weeks preceding the onset of hullsplit (e.g. Blank split). This stress should be maintained at this level for this period. At the end of the two weeks, regular irrigation resumes and the orchard prepares for harvest. The difficulty in application has everything to do with accurately monitoring plant stress. Every orchard and orchard practice creates a different approach in application. For example, assuming similar irrigation levels, stress levels achieved in a mature orchard planted on sandy soil will occur in a shorter time frame than an orchard on a heavier clay loam. Every orchard site requires careful monitoring to determine when to cut and resume full irrigation. I have observed numerous orchardists apply tree stress only to see a reduction in kernel yield. This is due to ongoing gains in nut weight that occur between the onset of hull-split and harvest. If the tree is significantly stressed during this period, the conversion of carbon to fats is reduced, impacting the final crack out percentage. One closely monitored orchard in which I worked, demonstrated a 10-15% reduction in kernel weights

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Almond Irrigation Scheduling: Sourcing ETo

When determining plant water demand, the current environmental conditions must be taken into consideration. These factors, which include temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, humidity, and percentage of soil cover, influence both the rate of evaporation from the soil and the rate of transpiration from the plant (also known as evapotranspiration). By knowing these variables, we can calculate the evapotranspiration of the plant of interest. Research over the past 50+ years has refined the ways we estimate evapotranspiration. Initial estimates used to be performed using evaporation pans (Epan). Epan filled with water would be manually monitored for water evaporation on a daily basis. Water evaporation was then correlated with water use by fully irrigated grass (ETo) through the use of lysimeters. Fast forward a few years, with the development of more precise electronics, weather stations demonstrated the ability provide accurate measurements of the required variables. Using these data, a correlation between measured weather variables and ETo was developed. This equation, known as the Penman-Monteith equation, or some variation, is now used by nearly every weather station to estimate ETo. Having the ability to identify the rate of ETo is the foundation of irrigation scheduling. Although it is variable due to day-to-day environmental fluctuations, it is accessible through multiple sources. Within California, State funded weather stations placed throughout California measures the required water variables. These values are reported on the CIMIS web-site and are available free of charge. Within other almond growing areas, similar programs also exist, but are not as thorough. Thankfully, many weather stations can provide an estimation of ETo – as long as they have the ability to measure the required variables. Furthermore, ETo information is often made available in many publications, including trade newspapers, websites, and extension offices. Regardless of where the ETo information is sourced, it is

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