Job Transition: Departure from UC Cooperative Extension

Dear friends and colleagues,For the past ten years, I have worked within Merced County focusing on tree nut production within California.  Much of  the effort was focused on extending relevant research based practices to industry members within California and conducting research that would help solve problems within the region. Over the years, my research program within the County has been broad - with projects on maximizing water application, managing replant problems within almonds, and a variety of smaller projects within horticultural, disease, and general agronomy. All of these plots were conducted within farmers fields, in which I am grateful for the local collaboration.Recently, I have decided to take a position within farm development and leave my position within extension.  This role will start in mid-November and will be responsible for developing a diversified specialty crop farm from the ground up. My new home base will be Evora, Portugal, which is about an two hours outside of Lisbon. As one could imagine, this was a difficult decision for me -the hardest decision I have made in my life. I have been blessed with wonderful colleagues and farmers, all whom have become friends over the past 10+ years. I will miss the interactions that we had through interactions within the County and at Industry event.With this departure, I still hope to assist the industry. I plan to continue "The Almond Doctor" to provide insight to a variety of aspects of almond production.  I would imagine that topics may have a different tone, and a redesign is planned. Regardless, I look forward to continuing the effort within this platform and hope it will provide assistance for the future.Thank you for you understanding through this period of transition. I look forward to seeing all of you at the various industry events.Wishing you the best and thank you for your support,David


Pruning: The Basics


Field Note: Securing Irrigation Tubing