New pesticides are effective on Peach Twig borer in early sprays

Author: Franz Niederholzer, UC Farm Advisor Sutter-Yuba CountiesPeach twig borers (PTB) are a key pest of almonds. Nuts damaged by PTB are preferred feeding sites of navel orangeworm (NOW). At a recent almond IPM meeting in the San Joaquin Valley, a leading independent PCA told the audience that a good NOW program included PTB control. Talk with your PCA and review reject sheets and moth traps to decide if PTB control is needed in your orchard.Dormant, delayed dormant, or bloom sprays (See this article about insecticides at bloom), with the proper pesticide, give effective PTB control when applied properly (every-row spraying and proper sprayer speed). Other effective timings include a spring or summer spray(s) timed using moth trapping data and degree days.Recently registered pesticides give excellent PTB control in research by Dr. Frank Zalom, UC Davis Entomology Department, in the Sutter/Yuba region (see table below). These materials are less toxic to operators and wild life, especially those that live in water. Consider these new materials as part of a PTB control program in your orchards. Organo-phosphate pesticides (Lorsban, diazinon, etc.) and pyrethroids (Asana, Warrior, Brigade, Baythroid, Mustang, etc.) are very effective on PTB, but can harm fish and other life in local streams if the pesticide moves to the water in drift or water runoff from rain or irrigation. Including a new pesticide in your PTB program in dormant to bloom also helps avoid pest resistance to organo-phosphates and/or pyrethroids.


Bloom sprays: What and when to use to provide effective disease control.


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