Fall Foliar Fertilizers: Targeted v/s General Approach

A PCA asking me the other day what I thought of a general micronutrient (iron + molybdenum + zinc + copper + manganese + boron +?) compared to a standard zinc + boron spray program that is common in postharvest almonds in the areas where I work. This question got me thinking about a review of fall fertilizer programs in general, with a focus on foliar nutrients. There are more than a dozen mineral nutrients essential for plant growth. However, only a handful of those nutrients have been shown to be important – in general — to profitable almond production. These

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Post Harvest Nitrogen: How Much?

Generally, we recommend 20-25% of the season’s nitrogen budget to be applied in the post harvest period. This is based upon having a Mid-July leaf nitrogen value within the range of 2.2-2.5%.  This nitrogen is used for the post-harvest growth processes, which includes both vegetative and fruit bud development and some vegetative growth. When making this application, the sooner, the better, as it will help reduce tree stress.  Studies have shown that ‘Nonpareil’s’ fruit bud differentiates about 7-14 days after harvest, while other varieties, such as ‘Carmel’, the majority of fruit buds differentiate prior to ‘Carmel’ harvest. This timing will be delayed in cool, mild years. Tree stressed imposed during this period will reduce fruit bud set, and the buds will remain vegetative (leaf buds). In the cases of above recommended mid-July leaf nitrogen levels, nitrogen should still be applied, but the amount should be reduced. For example, if leaf nitrogen values are around 2.8%, apply 15-20% of the total seasonal nitrogen budget. If over 3%, reduce that application further to 10-15% of the total nitrogen budget. Nitrogen should be applied with caution in the post-harvest period as early rains may leach nitrate in sandier soils. Late fall (Late September, early October) nitrogen applications should also be reduced; the trees ability to pick up nitrogen is decreased due to lower levels of transpiration.

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Hull Analysis for Boron – Why?

Harvest is here. This is a good time to pull a a bag of almond hulls for a boron analysis. In making this recommendation, there are questions that are consistently asked. I already know my leaf tissue levels, so why do I need to perform a hull analysis for boron? Leaf sampling is not effective in determining the levels of boron as there are no obvious foliar symptoms of moderate boron deficiency. Furthermore, leaf levels may appear adequate while the actual levels within the tree are too low or high. Since the hull of the almond is a “sink” for boron, the analysis of mature almond hulls is a better indicator of boron status. When should I collect samples for a hull analysis? Boron will continue to accumulate in the hull until harvest. The best time to collect a hull sample is anytime after shaking the nuts. Varieties within the orchard may have differing boron levels due to different yields; it may be useful to pull a sample from the other varieties. How do I interpret the results? Trees with hull boron levels of less than 120 ppm may benefit from a postharvest boron spray (1-2 lb of a 21% B product in 100 gallons of water per acre). This will help with pollen germ tube growth in the flowers next spring but will not improve overall boron status of the tree. Boron applied earlier in the season as foliar spray is not a substitute for this timing because it is sequestered into the hull and is unavailable for the developing fruit bud. Hull boron of less than 80 ppm indicates the need for a ground application.  Fertilize with 2-4 pounds of actual boron per acre.  This is equivalent to 10-20 pounds of a 21% soluble boron product (i.e. Solubor). Boron can be applied through the irrigation system, broadcast or

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Nitrogen and Potassium Leaf Content: Is There Such Thing as Too Much?

I have received a few questions regarding results of mid-July leaf tissue analysis. In many cases, when reviewing the leaf samples, I have noticed that levels of nitrogen and potassium are often much higher than the recommended mid-July levels. Having leaf nutrient contents well above adequate levels does not necessarily increase yield, but can increase fertilizer costs and hull rot incidence. Rationale for “pumping” up the trees above the adequate value is to address the “silent hunger” that may be taking place within the field. In other words, by overfeeding some trees, we are assuring that we are maintaining trees that may be borderline above the level of sufficiency. Performing this action may increase yields as some trees that are deficient will perform better; however, too much fertilizer will lead to waste. Assuming that the leaf samples were collected properly, the UC-established mid-July leaf values should be used for comparison.With nitrogen, leaves with 2.2-2.5% leaf nitrogen content indicate that the sampled trees are receiving enough nitrogen. Being a few tenths of a percent over this value (3.0%) is a good indication of over-fertilization, increasing the risk for hull rot. Regarding potassium, the sample is considered sufficient if it is above 1.4%. Most growers attempt to maintain their potassium leaf levels around 1.8-1.9% within their samples, buffering for the tree use and compensating for the spatial variability of potassium within the tree. I have seen several leaf analysis with potassium levels greater than 2% and have heard from growers that trees need to be above 2% to maintain production. This is not true. Research by Roger Duncan (Farm Advisor, Stanislaus County) found that orchards with potassium leaf levels greater than 2% did not have greater yields than orchards with leaf levels above 1.4%. If leaf samples are well above the sufficient levels, plan to reduce,

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Summer leaf sampling is serious business

It’s July. Among key orchard activities as harvest approaches, it’s time to sample almond leaves for nutrient analysis. The lab analysis report for a leaf sample serves as part of the “report card” for your fertility program for this growing season for a particular variety in a particular block. A previous post from “The Almond Doctor” covers the practice of summer leaf sampling and shows the University of California critical nutrient levels for almond leaves sampled in July. This post will talk about several additional steps to orchard nutrition assessment in summer and to stress the importance of these practices to the commercial success of an orchard. Take separate leaf samples for each variety in a block. Crop load is the key factor determining mature almond tree nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) use. Different almond varieties in the same block can produce different yields and nutrient demand based on their genetic potential and conditions at bloom. If you don’t already, consider taking leaf samples for nutrient analysis from each variety. Use the lab reports and crop yield reports from each variety in the block from this year as background information when it comes time to apply N and/or K fertilizer for next year. If you applied the same amount of N and K fertilizer this season to all trees in an orchard, yet the Non-pareil yield was off and the Monterey yield was high, can you see that reflected in the leaf analysis reports? Variety specific leaf analysis and cropload data can help you understand how different varieties use expensive nutrients and how you might possibly fine tune your fertilizer delivery to optimize yield without wasting money.  Look up between leaf samples. Adequate tree vigor (growth) is key to good production. Adequate leaf nutrient levels and little to no growth

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Estimating Nitrogen Needs = Estimating Your Crop

Research by Dr. Patrick Brown’s group at UC Davis has been reviewing nitrogen use efficiency of almonds. In their studies they have shown that almonds, when properly fertilized (i.e. not over/under-fertilized),  export between 60-65 pounds of N from the orchard for every 1000 kernel pounds harvested. This number includes all green weight removed to achieve the 1000 kernel pound yield – roughly 4000 pounds of hulls, shells, leaves, debris, and kernels. Interestingly enough, they also have found that orchards that are under-fertilized will export less N (65 lbs). Knowing this, is it possible to determine the nitrogen needs of the trees for the season? Simply stated, “Yes,” but only if an accurate estimate of crop can be made. The ability to accurately estimate a crop is gained through experience and the taking of careful notes from the early season to allow comparison with the sheets provided at harvest. Once a crop estimate is determined, the estimated kernel yield/acre can be multiplied by 60 pounds to determine the total amount of N required/acre for that year. Since almond goes through a period of several drops and weather events (i.e. frost, hail, etc), this adjustment can be modified in season to account for the change. Never-the-less, applying only 60 pounds of N for every 1000 kernel pounds will not meet the trees need because the application efficiency of nitrogen is not 100%. Further work within the study demonstrated that almonds are much more efficient than previously thought, with roughly 70-75% of the nitrogen applied through a micro-irrigation system making its way into the tree. Taking this use efficiency into account, we need to multiply the pounds required by crop demand by 1.4, giving a number of 84 pounds of N for every 1000 kernel pounds. So how does all of this relate to nitrogen leaf sampling?

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Regional Considerations for Nitrogen Timing

Over the past few weeks, I have attended a few events that discussed the application timings of nitrogen. The results that were discussed at these events were based on an extensive five year study conducted by the University of California at a trial located in Kern County.One of the many findings of this study included the development of a nitrogen application schedule that maintains crop productivity. From this trial, the researchers have determined that 80% of the nitrogen should be applied before the completion of kernel fill (mid-June), while the remaining 20% should be applied in the post harvest. In the study, the researchers applied the spring nitrogen doses beginning in mid-February prior to bloom, and continued monthly until mid-May. They roughly followed a 10%-25%-25%-20% application schedule. The question remaining, especially with impending groundwater and nitrate regulations, is this applicable to all parts of California? The short answer is “Of course not,” as differing climates and soils create different challenges for growing almond efficiently. For example, in Merced County, we receive an average of 10-12 inches of rain and have some areas of very sandy soils. This is in contrast to the trial’s location in Kern County, which receives 6 inches of annual rainfall and is located on a sandy loam soil. Practices of nitrogen application, therefore, will vary by location – especially the timing of the first application. In a previous entry, I wrote about the movement of nitrate and the rationale for applying after leaf out. Although this is still the most efficient timing to apply nitrogen, I have since learned that there is some level of root uptake of nitrogen during the period of delayed-dormancy (bud-swell). This occurs due to nitrate, being found in a greater concentration outside of the root moves into the root to establish equilibrium. The higher

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Nitrogen within the soil: The Nitrogen Cycle

Figure 1: The various forms of nitrogen and processes within the nitrogen cycle. Sourced from wikipedia.org. Written by Dr. Larry Oldham (Mississippi State Extension Service) and David Doll. Nitrogen is in organic and inorganic forms in soils. Over 90 percent of soil N is associated with soil organic matter. Nitrogen is in compounds identifiable as part of the original organic material such as proteins, amino acids, or amino sugars, or in very complex unidentified substances in advanced stages of decomposition. Plants may use either ammonium (NH4+), or nitrate (NO3-) which behave quite differently in soils. Positively charged NH4+ is attracted to negatively charged sites on soil particles as are other cations. It is available to plants, but the electrostatic attraction protects it from leaching. Conversely, negatively charged NO3- does not react with the predominately negatively charged soil particles, so it remains in the soil solution, moves with the soil water, and is susceptible to leaching. Nitrogen transformations in soils/Nitrogen Cycle: Nitrogen conversions depend on soil moisture conditions, soil acidity, temperature, and microbial activity. Ammonium is absorbed on the cation exchange complex or taken up by plants without transformation, but most likely it is converted to NH4+ soon after its formation or addition as fertilizer. This nitrification is a two step process involving two different groups of soil bacteria. First Nitrosomas bacteria produce nitrite (NO2-). Nitrobacter species then convert NO2- to NO3- soon after its formation. The carbon used by these bacteria is derived solely from atmospheric CO2. a) 2NH4+ + 3O2 = 2NO2- + 2H2O + 4H+ + energy b) 2NO2- + O2 = 2NO3- + energy Two things to note: 1) NH4+ has a short residence time in soils before conversion to the more mobile NO3- form; and 2) hydrogen ions are produced which lower the soil pH. Mineralization is

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Nitrogen applications after leaf-out….Why?

Sourced from AccessScience topic of soil chemistry. Water moves within plant-soil system from wettest to driest. This gradient is termed water potential, and explains why irrigation works. Basically, the water potential gradient between the soil and the plant, from wettest to driest, would be wet soil, dryer soil, root, stem/trunk, branch, leaf, and finally, air. Water, when applied through irrigation or rain, will follow that path, moving through the soil, into and up the tree, and out the leaves through the stomata.The final destination for the water molecule is the driest environment, which is air. As an analogy, think of the plant as a wick of an oil lamp, as the oil is burned, oil moves up the wick out of the reservoir to the point of being burned, keeping the lamp lit. For more information, please follow the links for water potential and the process of mass flow. Since nitrate, the only form of nitrogen that is used by plants, is a water-soluble negatively charged particle (anion), it does not bind with most soils, and therefore remains in the water solution within soils. Once in solution, it moves with the water. As water moves into the plant’s roots and up into the plant, nitrate enters the root and plant as well. If there is no or low water demand by the plant due to conditions of dormancy, very little of the nitrate-water solution will move into the plant. Only when the process of transpiration begins does nitrate move into the growing tips of the plant, providing nitrogen, an essential element for plant anabolism. Since leaves are needed on the tree in order for transpiration of water to occur, applications of nitrogen before leaf-out are at risk for loss due to leaching from the root-zone. For example, lets say that

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