Considerations for March 2022

March is a month full of surprises. Weather can be highly variable, with rain, risk of frost, and heat waves all being possible. Below are some points to consider as the season progresses. Ongoing frost concerns. Frost conditions can occur through the end of March. Maintain a watchful eye on the weather conditions to reduce the risk of any frost event. Critical temperatures after petal fall are around 28F (-2.2C), and temperatures at or below 28F for an extended period will cause crop loss. Micro-irrigation can increase orchard temperature by a few degrees, with higher flows of water providing a greater warming effect. More on frost mitigation can be found here. With irrigation occurring during multiple frost events, it is common to see trees push slow and with pale green growth. This is due to saturated rootzones that lead to loss of fine feeder roots and low micronutrient uptake. Soil irrigation levels should be monitored, and irrigation withheld until stored soil moisture begins to drop. Furthermore, nitrogen applications should not occur during the period of frost risk as running water for extended periods of time will leach nitrogen out of the rootzone. Crop losses from frost are hard to define in early March. Frost affected flowers will have blackened tissue inside the ovary, or flowers may appear blighted and remain on the tree. Trees will slightly compensate for loss of flowers with a slight increase in fruit set percentage of the remaining flowers as well as greater nut size. Therefore, in areas of minimal damage, the impacts might not be observed. In areas with losses greater than 10%, yield reductions should be expected. If frost damage is suspected, it is important to contact any insurance company as soon as possible and trim the early season fertilizer applications until a better

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