Almond Fungicides and Bloom: Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan

Planning your fungicide program has multiple benefits, and now is a good time to start doing so. Time can be taken to identify fungicides and respective modes of action to develop a proper rotation strategy. It allows the ability to price and compare differing options that may swap materials at specific points. Finally, it gives the opportunity to review the labels of the materials to determine application requirements, and the need to include (or most likely exclude) additional materials. To determine the year’s spray program, several things need to be considered. These include anticipated weather during flowering, disease history, materials available, operational tolerance to disease, and the ability to spray (budget constraints). Dry weather during flowering will reduce the need to spray, while free moisture from rainfall or humidity/fog can increase disease pressure. If dry conditions are present, fungicide sprays can be withheld until conditions change. In these types of years, bloom typically progresses rapidly, making it difficult to spray due to the shorter duration. As the flowering period ends and petal fall begins, it may make sense to consider a “clean-up” spray for any infections that might have occurred. Having a history of disease increases the presence of the given disease’s inoculum. This means that as soon as any rain event occurs, this disease will begin to spread at a higher rate. If dealing with a previous outbreak of a disease, especially diseases that form wood cankers (e.g. Anthracnose, Monolinia, Phomopsis, etc), fungicide applications should occur prior to going into any wet period, and re-application should be considered for any rain events that occur 10-14 days after the previous application. This may mean multiple sprays during wet years to reduce disease inoculum. As incidence decreases in future years, the spray program can be gradually reduced. Available chemistries for disease

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2019 Almond Bloom Considerations

Almond bloom is just around the corner. This “start” to the season is an important period for almond production as flowers require reasonable weather conditions for pollination, fertilization, and eventual fruit set to occur. With that in mind, below are a few considerations for this period. Rain or conditions favoring dew can increase the amount of disease. Pathogens affecting almond flowers are ubiquitous in the environment, and therefore the condition that influences infection are periods of leaf wetness. Fungicides should be applied to protect the flowers from rain-splashed spores and subsequent infections. Newer class fungicides can move into the upper cell layers of the flower and kill infections, but this “reach-back” potential only provides about 2-3 days of “cure” after a rain event. Start the spray program with fungicides that are most effective for blossom diseases, but provide limited protection for petal fall and spring-time diseases. This typically includes the FRAC groups 1 and 9. As bloom progresses into petal fall, other fungicides should be considered to manage anthracnose, green fruit rot, shot-hole, and scab. FRAC groups 3, 7, 11 or combinations of these products should be considered. Remember to rotate away from fungicide FRAC groups used in previous sprays. This will help reduce the formation of resistance within pathogens, increasing the “shelf life” of a fungicide. To assist with this, especially if rainy conditions are expected, consider utilizing a broad spectrum material at petal fall or shortly after this period to provide the ability to use strobilurins and DMIs (FRAC 11 and 3) for scab and rust control. Some good rotational, broad spectrum products include chlorothalinil (FRAC M5), Ziram (M3) or Captan (M4). Don’t forget about the bees. Honeybees are brought into the orchard to provide pollination services – a requirement for production for most California type almond varieties

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