Using Mid-Summer Leaf Samples to Guide Fertility Programs, Part 1

By this time, mid-July leaf tissue sample results should be available. These tissue results are critical for any nutrient management plan. They should be taken annually to determine if the nutrient program is adequate for the orchard, and the values should be used to tune the orchard´s nutrient program. Research has shown that once an orchard reaches sufficiency of a specific nutrient, increasing it further will not improve yields. This has been demonstrated several times, both within nitrogen and potassium. Second-guessing and adding more fertilizer beyond sufficient levels to address existing yield problems will not improve the situation. This fact is relatively unpopular as it is easier to add more fertilizer than it is to fix the problems that limit orchard production, or assure oneself during a period of second guessing.  More on that can be found here (slide 17) and here (slide 20), and this article will focus on nitrogen The typical nitrogen program often budgets for 20% of the nitrogen to be applied during the post-harvest period. Mid-summer leaf samples should be used to determine if the post-harvest fertility plan should be changed. Within nitrogen, leaf tissue samples that exceed 2.5% can reduce or even eliminate the need for postharvest nitrogen applications. This is based on: Many orchards with leaf levels above 2.5% often have high residual nitrogen within the soil that will meet post-harvest needs, The reduced transpiration rates of the postharvest period reduce uptake of nitrogen, There is significant canopy loss from the harvest process, reducing nitrogen uptake, Nitrogen remobilization back into perennial tissues is happening earlier than previously thought – probably sometime between hull-split and harvest (or maybe even earlier!). Additionally, a long-term study in Arbuckle found that postharvest nitrogen applications did not improve yields in a reasonably high producing almond orchard. Nitrogen levels within

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Major Nutrient Fertilizers: Thoughts to Reduce Operational Costs without Impacting Productivity

Increasing input prices are being observed across the farming sector. Fertilizer prices have increased due to demand, government regulations, weather, trade issues, and energy prices. Prices are some of the highest in a decade, with nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer prices nearly double what they were in 2020. Within almonds, maintaining the proper fertilizer status within the tree is important to maintain yields. Research projects have determined how much of each major nutrient is needed for the tree to maximally produce. These studies first occurred in the early 1990’s and were re-done between 2008-2013. In summary, the projects concluded that for every 1000 lbs of almond kernels harvested, 68 lbs of nitrogen, 92 lbs of K2O, and ~12 lbs of P2O5 are removed from the orchard. These nutrients need to be re-applied to maintain yields. Leaf tissue, soil samples and other in-season assays and monitoring can be used to determine if optimal levels have been achieved. If optimal levels are present, input levels should only match crop demand, while if excess amounts are present, applications can be reduced. These adjustments will help reduce waste, run-off, and leaching.   More on this here and here. Nitrogen (N) usage and uptake occurs when there are leaves on the tree. As such, N applications should only occur in-season. When applying N, more than 68 lbs/1000 kernel pounds of production is applied – typically around 85 lbs/1000 kernel pounds of production. This inefficiency of about 20-30% considers the N lost to NOx conversion, run-off, and leaching. Fortunately, I have observed many orchards much more efficient than this. These orchards have been able to reduce N amounts applied based on the observation of high N within leaf samples.  They have found that maintaining N levels at 2.5% in mid-July allow for the maintenance of high yields (>3000

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